Pump Lane Surgery

13 Pump Lane, Rainham-Mark, Gillingham, ME8 7AA

Telephone: 01634 231856

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New Registrations

Registration – New Patients


The Practice is accepting new patients who live within our catchment area and do not currently have a GP practice within the area.

Please be advised that we have a limited number of spaces, so please wait until you have been contacted by us to confirm whether you have been accepted.  We are unable to accept online registrations at the moment, so please call into the surgery and speak to a member of the Reception team.

Our list size will be under continuous review and we will keep you updated via our website and the ‘Find a GP’ website.

Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

When registering we will also need you to supply: A utility bill or bank statement with your name and current address. Please allow three to four weeks for registration.



Practice List and Out Of Area Deregistration

We have a statutory duty to our staff to prevent burn out and to our existing patients to avoid errors and maintain high standards of care.

Patients who move out of area will be advised to register elsewhere.

We do appreciate that this can be upsetting especially when patients are not far from the boundary and have had a long history with the practice. We don’t make exceptions to the rule as this would be inherently discriminatory.

We hope that this explanation will go some way to explaining the situation with regard to Out of Area De-registrations and reduce the volume of correspondence on the subject. Your understanding is much appreciated.

Change of Personal Details

If you change your name, address, telephone number or email, please remember to inform us. This may be done by visiting the surgery, phoning us, by updating your record at Patient Access (you need to be a registered Patient Access user), or via our website pumplanesurgery.co.uk (Update our Details).

Named GP

An accountable GP will be assigned to every patient and where a preference is expressed reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate this.

The named accountable GP will be Dr A Durowoju.

Accessing someone else’s information

The Medical Centre has a number of patients who book their appointments, request repeat medication and can view certain parts of their medical records online. Patient Access have now improved their system to allow parents and Carers to be authorised to all of the above-mentioned functions for children or the people they care for.

Any patient or Carer wishing to have proxy access will need to sign up to this service by completing a form available at the practice Reception.




Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    03:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    03:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    03:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    03:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    03:30pm to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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